Invest Yourself

Dealing with Dividends

When you invest in a global stock fund, many of the companies in the fund are generating dividends for you, so the fund pays an aggregated dividend for you. Same with a bond fund, the interest payments on the bonds are generating cash for you. What to do with these?

Dealing with Dividends Read More »

Don’t invest alone

Countless studies have shown that two people make better financial decisions than one, by offsetting each other’s unhelpful biases. Too much risk vs not enough risk. Too much spending vs too much miserable cash hoarding. Too much trust in a financial advisor vs healthy cynicism and reading of the small print. If you have a partner, do it together.

Don’t invest alone Read More »

expat concise guide investing yourself uae personal finance

You can do it! A very concise guide to investing sensibly by yourself

Here’s a complete overview of investing by yourself, from mindset to transaction fees. If you go it alone, you’re going to have to find some knowledge and discipline. It’s worth it though, to avoid the hidden fees and exit penalties in the plans sold by most UAE banks and financial advisors. It has never been easier to invest cheaply and effectively by yourself.

You can do it! A very concise guide to investing sensibly by yourself Read More »

oxic offshore saving investment financial advisor money expat

5 reasons why you should never invest in a long-term offshore savings plan

Financial advisors are often trying to get expats to invest in long-term savings plans. They sound good in theory but 99% of the time they are completely inappropriate. You will probably either make unimpressive gains or lose money. So just say no and tell your friends to say no too. Here’s why. Almost no financial advisor on commission is going to tell you this, which is why I have to.

5 reasons why you should never invest in a long-term offshore savings plan Read More »