Join my Financial Transformation Program in 2025

Learn everything you need to know to plan, save and invest by yourself with confidence, so you can take control of your personal finances and accelerate your time to Financial Independence.

This is my ultimate program, combining online live group learning sessions, private coaching sessions with me, accountability, community and much more. Designed for busy expats and suitable for expats anywhere. No prior knowledge required – our approach is always friendly, clear and practical.

Serious saving made simple, practical and memorable...

   Change your mindset

   Track your finances

   Plan for financial independence

   Select your investments

   Transfer money overseas

...with all the useful details nobody else bothers with

500 expats learning about Financial Independence – now you can too!

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Saving Made Simple

Learn how you can save and invest quickly, cheaply and flexibly, so you can get on with living a fantastic life.

Saving requires a bit of discipline, which is much easier when you know why you are saving and how much you will need. Investing sounds complicated and an entire industry wants you to think it is. But investing sensibly can be very simple, especially in the age of global index funds.

The hardest thing will be investing regularly while ignoring all the chatter from your mind and the media. Your brain wasn’t designed to deal with stock market swings, so get it out of the way and stick to the rules. We’ll show you how to do that too.

If you’re bored by personal finance books and numbed by numbers, this is the place for you.

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Blog: latest posts

Blog: Investing (funds, ETFs, brokers, currencies & transfers)

Update on brokerage protection limits

Interactive Brokers is by far the cheapest brokerage for people living in developing countries. I use them myself (and I don’t have any further affiliation with them). They are large, well-capitalised and secure. The extra capital protects them against shocks, unlike Robinhood which had to scramble to raise money in January. But what would happen to your money if IB failed?

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Should GameStop & Bitcoin change our investing?

99.99% of the financial news should not change how you invest. Read it out of interest for what’s going on in the world, but don’t let it change your investment approach. Just don’t. It’s a slippery slope that leads to shiny object syndrome, FOMO and market timing, all of which will part you from your money. Let’s have a look at a couple of newsworthy events and see if they merit a reaction.

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Blog: Planning (mindset, current situation, future needs)

Make Your Life More Wonderful

I want to show you that you can have it both ways. You can have great riches amassed through the capitalist system (the stock market). And you can have a huge impact on your family, community and the world, by using your riches to become financially independent.

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Blog: Saving (income, expenses, debt, cash)

Blog: Troubleshooting & terrible savings plans

Join my Financial Transformation Program in 2025

Learn everything you need to know to plan, save and invest by yourself with confidence, so you can take control of your personal finances and accelerate your time to Financial Independence.

This is my ultimate program, combining online live group learning sessions, private coaching sessions with me, accountability, community and much more. Designed for busy expats and suitable for expats anywhere. No prior knowledge required – our approach is always friendly, clear and practical.