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Join my Financial Transformation Program in 2025

Learn everything you need to know to plan, save and invest by yourself with confidence, so you can take control of your personal finances and accelerate your time to Financial Independence.

This is my ultimate program, combining online live group learning sessions, private coaching sessions with me, accountability, community and much more. Designed for busy expats and suitable for expats anywhere. No prior knowledge required – our approach is always friendly, clear and practical.


Follow Steve and his Dead Simple shenanigans across various social media platforms. Click on the icons then like, comment and share!


Watch Steve & expert fund managers discuss what makes a successful portfolio in this interesting & wide-ranging panel at the Arab Household Savings Conference 2022.


Dubai Eye Business Breakfast asks Steve about pensions replacing gratuities in the UAE, high fees and active vs passive funds. Listen below to the recording of this conversation.

Helen Farmer asks Steve for advice on what to do in case of getting a pay cut or loosing a job in the era of Coronavirus job insecurity. Listen below to the recording of this conversation.

Helen Farmer talks to Steve about the No Spend September in her afternoon show for DubaiEye Radio. For saving tips listen below to the recording of this conversation.


a life of education expat investing personal finance financial independence

A Life of Education

Safe Space

Steve was talking to the fantastic Safe Space community based in Dubai about Dealing with Financial Stress. 

The video and audio recording of this talk is available for viewing here.

Arabian Business Crossfire

Steve was sharing his insights whether the banks in the UAE are in full support with the small and medium enterprises. 


Steve talks to DoBeDuu about his 10 Steps to Financial Independence.

Unwind the Grind

Steve was taking part in this fantastic evening from the millennial-inspiring platform Unwind the Grind. After a panel discussion about our own Financial Independence journeys, we covered the ‘Why of FI’ along with some practical advice on how to get there. To finish we had some roundtables on specific areas of FI, so that no question was left unanswered! I think we were still going as the cleaners moved in…

Steve was talking about 10 Steps to Financial Independence, as well as leading a roundtable discussion on How to Invest Cheaply & Sensibly.

See videos from the event below. 

Steve’s talk on the 10 steps to Financial Independence

What is Financial Independence?

My Financial Independence journey

Thinking seven generations ahead

Logo podcast

Strategictech Coaching

In this episode Oskar Andermo and Steve discuss personal finances in the times of crisis. Listen to the recording here. 
financial independence europe expat investing personal finance

Financial Independence Europe

Steve talks to the awesome Araminta about his life in Dubai and how to reach Financial Independence as an expat. Araminta is a little genius (joking, she’s like 7 feet tall) who helps young people get financially savvy with her website Financially Mint.
Listen to the recording here, with some nicely detailed show notes.

Pocketful of Dirhams by The National

Steve talks to the host Alice Haine, the personal finance editor of The National and Gillian Duncan, a news reporter at The National, and share his tips on how to save more effectively. 
Listen to the recording here, with some nicely detailed show notes.

Steve talks to the host Alice Haine, the personal finance editor of The National, Andrew Scott, a video journalist at The National, and Stuart Ritchie, a director and chartered financial planner with the global wealth advice company AES International about how he keeps investing in a portfolio of low-cost index-funds no matter what is happening in the world.
Listen to the recording here, with some nicely detailed show notes.


ArabianBusiness Live on Facebook channel

Steve talks about taking care of your finances during the COVID-19 crisis. Managing your personal finance, job loses, credit cards all get discussed here

Dubai Eye 103.8 FM

The Agenda (News Review)

Steve reviews the day’s most interesting local and global news.

Business Breakfast (Insurance agents)

Steve spoke about how the UAE regulators are helping to combat bad insurance agents.

The Agenda (How do you get out of debt)

Steve and Tom weigh the pros and cons of the new insolvency law for individuals.

The Agenda (News Review)

Steve reviews the day’s most interesting local and global news, as well as giving out some personal finance tips: spending money vs happiness and love, Harrison Ford in town with a mission, doughnut economics (yum),  my first pop concert, desalination and salty seas, courts adding Hindi, the youth bulge and the 2019 outlook for savers…

The Agenda (News Review)

Steve reviews the day’s most interesting local and global news, as well as giving out some personal finance tips: how to save money over Christmas, could the Chinese switch off our internet infrastructure, why you shouldn’t eat after 10pm, good news from 2018, plus how many camels you can safely fit in the back of your truck.

The Business Breakfast

Steve discusses the impact of the UAE Central Bank capping bank fees.

The Business Breakfast

Steve goes head-to-head with the Chairman of Globaleye in a robust discussion about why less than a third of people in the UAE trust their financial advisor.

Profile Articles

Millennial Revolution expat personal finance financial independence investing

Millennial Revolution

FIRECracker and Wanderer from Millennial Revolution are truly living the FIRE lifestyle. Having retired in their early thirties, they spend their days blogging and travelling. They’ve pretty much visited every country in Europe now and are showing no signs of stopping. Their blog is really informative for those wanting to retire early and indulge in some geoarbitrage (that’s living somewhere else to save/earn more money). It’s also damn funny.

Steve [was honoured to be invited to do a guest post] writes about life in the UAE and provides some top tips for how to invest as an expat. You can read it here.

the national uae personal finance investing financial independence

The National (UAE)

The National is great! Always promoting sensible investing and highlighting the problem of unscrupulous, commission-driven financial advisors in the UAE.
Steve talks about why investing in long-term savings plans from insurers is a terrible idea.
You can read it here.
financial independence europe expat investing personal finance

Financial Independence Europe

The shownotes for this podcast are so detailed that it could easily be an article. Steve talks with Araminta about his life in Dubai and how to reach Financial Independence as an expat.
You can read it here.

Newspaper Quotes

the national uae personal finance investing financial independence

The National (UAE)

TransferWise stops offering multi-currency accounts in the UAE

Families in the UAE rein in festive spending amid Covid-19

What are UAE residents’ top investment regrets in 2020?

UAE lenders embrace open banking as they tap into the ‘new oil’ of customer data

Why US-domiciled funds are a tax danger for expatriates

Why your UK employee could be working remotely from Dubai

Should conventional investors add Islamic bonds to their


It’s ‘business as usual’ for customers of UAE banks heading into latest merger

Six in 10 UAE residents rely on their gratuity to fund their retirement

Financial confidence on the rise for UAE residents

Financial advisers and employers must step up to help expatriates fill the retirement gap

Three quarters of UAE residents are not saving anything for retirement

UAE expatriates wait for ‘optimal time’ to buy falling pound amid Brexit turmoil

Saving money on food a struggle for singles in the UAE

UAE residents save less amid summer spending splurge

Scrimp or splurge? How UAE residents like to spend their money

A fifth of UAE expatriates doubled their salary when they relocated

Is the UAE’s new five-year visa a game changer for expat retirement

Consumer and job confidence is likely to improve this year, survey says

Cheaper savings product takes on the 25-year investment plan

Cost of living decreases for expats in Dubai and Abu Dhabi – compared to other cities

What the new bank fee caps mean for UAE customers

UAE Central Bank caps retail banking fees in boost to expat-friendly economy

85% of UAE residents still not saving enough for their future: National Bonds

 ‘Can a collection agent report us to Interpol for a Dh10,000 credit card debt?’

‘I lost my job and was in hospital for three months with Covid-19. How can I stop a debt agency from harassing me?’

 ‘I was fined Dh10,200 for a bounced cheque. Can my bank cancel the case against me?’

‘How can I check my credit score after a debt spiralled out of control during my two-year travel ban?’

 ‘I am drowning in Dh425,000 of debt and have fallen behind in my repayments’

‘I had to accept a new job with a lower salary and now can’t afford to pay my credit card’


 ‘Can a bank create a security cheque without my signature?’

‘I left the UAE without paying off my Dh320,000 bank loan’

‘I consolidated my debts but Dh18,500 is missing from the loan amount’

Can my bank take two credit card payments at once if I miss a


I’ve been paying off my credit cards for 11 years

How do I resolve my 20-year Dh2.69 million loan?

Can a bank file a bounced cheque case in Sharjah if I live in Dubai?

I’ve lost my job, so can I claim on my loan’s insurance policy?

I lost my job and left the UAE owing Dh71,000. Can I return?

I owe Dh100,000 because my employer has not paid me for a year

I moved to the UK in 2014 still owing Dh12,000. Can I return to the UAE?

Supporting my family back home has tipped my finances into the red

How can I secure a buyout loan if my employer is not listed?

I owe my sponsors Dh37,000 after quitting my job as a maid and driver

My salary is late and I’m missing repayments. What should I do?

I arrived in the UAE in 2017 debt-free. Now I owe over Dh100,000

I consolidated my debts three years ago, then I built up more

I’ve been paying off the same loan for 10 years

American absconder wants to pay off his liabilities with assets he left behind

I can’t control my credit cards due to multiple charges

I borrowed Dh55,000 to invest in Bitcoin and lost it all

After two redundancies, 70% of my Dh22,000 salary goes to the banks

Single mother earning Dh5,500 owes Dh155,000 to banks and private money lenders

Dubai resident’s four credit cards have become a lifeline

Bank ignores finance chief’s pleas over loan he gave straight back

My lender is threatening a travel ban over my Dh105,000 liabilities

The balance on my credit cards has not reduced in 10 years

My salary cut is making it impossible to repay the Dh95,000 I owe

I’ve borrowed Dh70,000 to support my family in India

Hospital employee pays Dh1,000 a month in late payment fees on his Dh110,000 liabilitie

Gulf News (UAE)

Khaleej Times (UAE)


Past Events

Boost Your Income, Slash Your Expenses & Get Out of Debt

simplyFI logo expat personal finance saving investing UAE Dubai

A free afternoon from some of the UAE’s top personal finance experts and over 100 people attending! This time it was all about actionable tips and productive ways of thinking that help you to ‘grow the gap’ between your income and savings. Get out of debt and avoid getting trapped in long-term savings plans. Steve talk was called ‘Let’s Talk About Debt!’ Interestingly, most of the attendees were very good at managing their debt already – hoping to reach people with serious issues in future sessions. 

 Using the Mentimeter app was a joy, crowdsourcing lots of ideas on how to reduce expenses, avoid debt etc in real time and taking the pulse of the audience’s issues.

Women Investment Forum

A really interesting mix of people creating an inclusive platform for thought leaders and female business professionals. Steve talked about how to take control of your finances in Saving Made Simple, Practical and Memorable. Women often feel less confident about investing than men but have been shown to be better long-term index investors, as they stick to the rules rather than investing in fun new things or trying to time the market.

Leverage  Knowledge in Financial Markets to Grow Personal Wealth

An entertaining evening at the DIFC organised by the Lebanese financial lecturer Jihad Al Hokayem. After their talks on digital currencies, financial analysis and systemic debt, it was great to hear the other experts promote sensible long-term investing using cheap, diversified index funds for personal investment portfolios.
Steve was talking about how to invest sensibly without getting distracted: Too Much Knowledge can be Dangerous – Keep it Simple.

Financial Independence Fest: In the Garden with Andrew Hallam

Memorable free event packing over 100 people in the garden to listen to Andrew Hallam talk about how to invest as an expat. Great community vibe with everyone bringing food and drink to share on a beautiful evening under the stars.

Financial Independence Fest II: Daytime BBQ in the FI Garden

Community event sharing food, drink, stories and advice in the Dubai sunshine.


Join my Financial Transformation Program in 2025

Learn everything you need to know to plan, save and invest by yourself with confidence, so you can take control of your personal finances and accelerate your time to Financial Independence.

This is my ultimate program, combining online live group learning sessions, private coaching sessions with me, accountability, community and much more. Designed for busy expats and suitable for expats anywhere. No prior knowledge required – our approach is always friendly, clear and practical.